OpenLDAP scheme extension for 802.1x dynamic VLAN assignment

The openLDAP schema need to be extended for some attributes those are not exist in default schema. After the schema extention, If you are using MAC OSX server, you can use “inspector mode” to assign VLANs to your users directly from server admin GUI with radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId attribute. During authentication process a LDAP query can be done to find the VLAN value of the user who is trying to connect

The files related with this process are:


include /etc/openldap/schema/radius.schema


slaptest -f slapd.conf -F slapd.d

with this command radius.schema file can be converted in to radius.ldif form, but the file name and some part of the file need to be changed accordingly.


Wrong file name: cn={9}radius.ldif

Correct file name: cn={10}radius.ldif , parameter in this file need to change as per below:


dn: cn={9}radius    ->        dn: cn={10}radius


cn={9}radius       ->        cn={10}radius


LDAP service or server need to be restarted and now creating or deleting of attributes can be tested, for this purpose diradmin credential is required.



cd LDAPv3/

auth diradmin abc123

cd Groups/vlan200

create . radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId 210

delete . radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId 210

create . radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId 200


LDAP modul configuration


For LDAP query, LDAP module need to be prepared, LDAP module actually called inside “inner-tunnel” and the return value is assigned as VLAN-ID. Only the parameters which are changing listed, the other part of the file should be leaved  intact.

basedn need to be written according to production environment.



ldap {

server = “”

identity = “uid=diradmin,cn=users,dc=server,dc=uni,dc=edu”

password = abc123

basedn = “dc=uni,dc=edu”

filter = “(uid=%{User-Name})”

base_filter = “(objectclass=radiusprofile)”

set_auth_type = no




checkItem       User-Name                       uid


replyItem       Tunnel-Type                     radiusTunnelType

replyItem       Tunnel-Medium-Type              radiusTunnelMediumType

replyItem       Tunnel-Private-Group-Id         radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId

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